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Healing Experiences

Discover and understand how the services offered for individuals, animals and the community support balance, purpose and transformation in your life and with the Earth.

Spirit Empowerment

You may feel tired, unwell, depressed or like you are losing energy all the time. This could be from a loss, stress, relationship issue, grief, or you may not know the cause of the condition.  Passing power from helping spirits can help us to feel a sense of wholeness, it may restore our energy and allow us to heal.


You may have a question about what to do in a situation in life, how to handle a relationship, or which direction to proceed. Divination work can provide guidance from helping spirits.  I will connect with helping spirits and bring through the message for you that you need. 

Power Animal Retrieval

Our helping and compassionate spirits often bring us power through the spirit of an animal, plant or other form from nature.  This spirit stays with us and can guide and teach us in our lives and with challenging situations.  As part of this work, I can suggest ways to develop a relationship with your power animal to deepen your connection.


As spiritual beings with souls that connect with others around us all the time, we can pick up spiritual or energetic attachments that don’t belong to us, feel burdensome, and hold us back from healing.  Sometimes we call this “negative energy” or “toxic thoughts”.  Our spirit guides can remove these attachments that don’t belong.

Soul Retrieval

Often in times of grief, loss, difficulty or trauma a part of our soul can move away to another place for protection, safety and to help us cope with the hurt. Our spirit guides can help bring these soul parts back to restore what does belong to us so that we can be whole again.


This work can be a powerful part of the healing of ancestral lineages, homes and families.  Sometimes, when people pass away or transition to spirit, their soul gets stuck and they are not able to move to a place of peace.  With my guides, I can journey to places where they are stuck to help them fully transition and restore peace and calm to loved ones, a home, or lineage.  This work is often part of house clearings.

Guided Journeys

I can lead you on journeys to the spirit realm to meet your helping and compassionate spirits that are here to give you guidance, love and support throughout your life. Through a series of journeys, I can show you the practice of shamanic journeying so that you can find healing for yourself.

Connection with Departed Souls

Sometimes, in a session, a departed loved one comes as a spirit to support our work or communicate a message. With permission, I can bring through the message of the departed loved one.

Joint Animal and Caretaker Healing

Animals have their own soul and path of learning and they often come to us as teachers to support us in our lives.  When working with animals, we often find that issues that they exhibit mirror issues in our own lives and healing work can be done for both the caretaker and animal.

Ceremony Facilitation

Bringing people together can be very powerful and healing, especially when calling in spirits and bringing intention to the gathering. I will work with you to design and lead a ceremony for you and your family or friends that feels comfortable, supportive and meets the needs of the group.  These ceremonies can be linked to seasons, special dates, astrological events such as the solstices, or important events in people’s lives.


How it Works


Send me an email at or fill out my form to book a session.


I’ll reach out to understand your needs and interests, then I will send a calendar link and secure payment option to book your session.


After our session, I’ll follow up 1-2 weeks later to see how things are integrating.

Reclaim your inner peace

with a free guided meditation

Connect with me to receive a free guided mediation, by submitting your email I will keep you updated on upcoming events and programs


Michele is a powerful and potent healer, who has the skills to connect at a deep soul level.

- Valerie Dixon

WillowHawk LLC

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